You made it to the about page. My name is Brett, the owner of Not Quite an Adult and it’s really nice to meet you. Since you made it here, you probably want to learn a little more me and the website. Well… Here you go.
About Me Now:
Over the past 7 years, I built a 6-figure per year business without leaving my full-time job.
In fact, my corporate career and side-hustle have grown side-by-side over the past decade. This two pronged business / career approach allowed me to pay off $63,000 in post-college debt ($46,000 student loan, $10,000 car loan, $7,000 credit cards) and start investing in other assets, like new websites and stocks. One of those investments is the website you’re reading now that I purchased for $9,500.
While I’m not a millionaire (yet!), I feel like I’m on a path to starting building real wealth for the rest of my life. But it took me a long time to figure this stuff out. I’m talking years of floundering around, reading books, treading water, and wondering why nothing I did seemed to work… even though I was trying really hard.
Whether you’re deep in debt or just plain broke right now, I understand how you feel. I’ve turned to same-day cashing services because I couldn’t wait 24 hours for the check to clear with my bank to buy food. Silenced calls from unknown numbers knowing they were creditors. I took a sofa out of dumpster, dragged it into my one bedroom apartment that I shared with a roommate, and slept on it for a year. True story.
I don’t tell you this so you’ll feel bad for me though. I just need you to know even if you’re struggling now, it doesn’t need to be this way forever. You can start taking steps to turn things around for yourself right now.
I believe my process to getting out of debt is the most realistic approach for anyone with the desire to get out of debt faster without canceling anything fun in your life (i.e. Starbucks, vacations, movies, toys, going out to eat). It’s also a unique approach I don’t hear anyone else talking about.
The Mission:
My mission with Not Quite an Adult is to give you a plan to increase your income and get out of debt. Then you can start live more comfortably eventually do whatever the heck you want. Along the way, I’ll be covering topics like investing, stocks, saving money, budgeting, and my relationship with money.
This is the basic approach you’ll learn to make money with my formula:
- Keep your job for right now. Your job allows you to survive, eat, pay rent, and might even help you learn a skillset to build a business.
- Since you know how you’ll going to survive (grinding it for a paycheck), extra time will be spent building a business that you enjoy that brings in cash.
- This business you start will require a minimal investment. You’re going to bootstrap this thing in the early days. This will create minimal downside and massive upside that could just make you financially free.
Here’s things you won’t be doing with my approach:
- You won’t be eating beans and rice for the next two decades in order to save an extra couple thousand dollars on food costs. You gotta eat bro!
- You may continue visiting Starbucks a few times each week. My plan does not hinge on you saving $34 per month on coffee or $408 per year so you can invest it into an index fund that increase in value by 7% on average per year.
- Ask me how I know the two approaches are combination of pointless and utterly demoralizing. You don’t want to throw away money, but you need to be able to kick back and enjoy life every once and awhile even if you are on a mission to defeat debt.
- I will never ask you to join a $5,000 program that teaches you how to improve your mindset. I suggest a couple $20 books or visiting the library for the same information.
Sign up for my free membership community and I’ll give you the long-winded version of my story along with all the gritty details on how I got into debt in the first place. Spoiler alert: It starts like so many other personal finance makeovers by racking up student loan debt while in college.
I also share my exact side business, along with all the financials, how I got the idea, how long it took to start working, and all the good stuff. I don’t hold any of the juicy details back.
So, where should you go from here?
Well, first off sign up for the community. This is a great way to learn more about your financial options, explains how to build your own 6-figure side business, and keeps you up-to-date with everything happening here.
I don’t want anybody to believe they don’t have financial options. If you’re reading this now, you’re actively searched for a solution to your money problems. The fact you’ve taken action to explore your options already puts you in the top 1% of smart people. Now you just need to continue down this path.
Most people don’t ever realize they have a financial problem or options that could make their life better. They only know clocking in and out, collecting a paycheck, and continuing to do the same thing they’ve always done.
Now that you’re a member of the Not Quite an Adult family, here’s some of my absolute FAVORITE blog posts and some that the community seems to really enjoy too!