Table of Contents
3 Facts For The Right Niche
The most important thing for the success of a blog is the right blog niche!
Because a clearly defined niche is the basis for many important decisions:
The general marketing of the blog, the right audience and the use of social media.
Without a niche, it is almost impossible to narrow down the target audience and address it specifically. If you have a blog running right now and you realize that none of your posts or the flow of your blog make any sense to you, it is time to revamp.
Decide on your niche, so you can optimize the SEO of your blog, think about your ideal readership and align your social media channels accordingly. Let’s have a look why you should do that!
With all this time on my hands I’d love to get back to my blog that I started on Jan 1, 2019. Although truth be told it isn’t much of a blog as I don’t know how to do anything in it. Trouble is I don’t really know much about how to blog and right now I’m in Costa Rica (my blog notebook is back in the states) and I don’t even know how to get back into it online. I seriously need a first grade class in getting that blog going. I’ve got another 5 weeks here until I return to the states on May 26th.