Bloggers are busy and maintaining your social media sites can be time consuming. However, your social media platforms are importing meeting points with your audience.
Read below, why maintaining social media is important and why you should do it yourself.

Table of Contents
1. You Have To Connect On Different Levels
Building your blog and website is time consuming. You have to learn a number of new skills. Technology evolves fast and keeping up is not always easy.
There is the task of research and the actual writing process. You might have to answer to comments, this is not a 9-5 job. And it takes time and patience to see progress.
Once you have built a substantial blog website the next logical step is working on your social media presence.
Connecting on different levels will bring you faster recognition and the results you are working so hard for.
If you want to spend the money you could think about outsourcing, but…
2. Only You Can Represent Your Brand
Keep in mind, an agency which is just reading over your blog and tries to represent you on facebook or instagram might not fully understand what or who is the face behind your blog.
What is it you are communicating with your posts, and who are your readers?
You do not want to have a different voice or mood on your social media platforms than you have on your blog. It is important to be consistent in your messages and style.
That’s the way to build your brand and be recognized by your audience.
At the end, you might spend a lot of money with no real return.
At least in the beginning it is smarter to maintain your social media presence yourself.
Who knows, you might come to a point when you can afford a full-time social media associate, who is involved in your business and understands what you are doing.
3. Your Are Responsible
Another reason why outsourcing your social media work might not be a good idea is that you are still responsible for what happens on those platforms.
The agency working for you is invisible. Whatever they post, how they respond to your audience will reflect a hundred percent back to you.
You will give others the power to speak with your voice.
If they are not fully understanding your business, it could potentially harm you.
4. You Need The Connection With Your Audience
If you make the decision to write for other people, then you have to engage with them and find out if you give them what they want.
It needs a bit of courage to appear online and expose yourself to the world, but you might be amazed how many positive experiences you can have.
You need the voice of your audience to learn, to adjust and to give back.
With every engagement you will know more about your target group and if and where you might miss a point.
Over time, it will enhance the value of your business and work.

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