Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year. I spend the entire year waiting for it to come, but it always manages to sneak up on me. I don’t think there has been a Christmas in my entire life where I was totally financial ready for the money I’d need to buy the things I felt like my family members deserved.
I really wish I had some tips and tricks to make money for Christmas, so I decided to make this list to maybe help you out! I hope you find a good option for you in this post, and you’re able to rock Christmas without getting into any new debt.
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Table of Contents
Ways to Make Money for Christmas
#1 – Shovel Snow/Rake Leaves
This time of year is the worst when it comes to weather related manual labour. Anytime someone comes to my door offering to shovel snow, I’ll take them up on that offer.
You could easily charge $10-20 per driveway and work your way up the road and just bring in the money. All you need is a decent shovel!
If you live in a place that doesn’t quite snow before Christmas, you can also do this for raking leaves. All you need is a nice rake.
#2 – Be Santa
Every mall in the country will be hosting a Santa during their opening hours and someone has to play that role! You could also put up ads to be a personal Santa, my grandmother once hired a santa to hand out presents at our family Christmas dinner because she wanted it to be magical for my baby sister, it was awesome.
If you decide to do private parties as Santa, you’re going to need a decent santa suit.
#3 – Sell Unwanted Stuff
Chances are on December 25th, you’ll be bringing home some stuff from loved ones that you don’t actually want but you can’t throw it away yet. You’re going to have to get rid of some of the stuff you already have so you don’t build up too much clutter.
Don’t throw it away, sell it! You can use Facebook Marketplace and make a bunch of money selling your old junk.
#4 – Pet Sit
November & December are big travel seasons and there are a lot of pets out there that need care while their mommy and daddy go to visit grandma. Pet sitting is one of the easiest ways for you to make money.
All you need to do is use an awesome service like Rover or an advertisement on craiglist! You can charge like $50 a day for pet sitting and make $100 in a weekend AND get to hang out with a cute animal while doing it.
#5 – Drive for Uber
As the weather grows colder there are fewer people wanting to walk home after a night of drinking at a Christmas party or even just walk to the store down the street. Driving for uber is an awesome way to make money during the colder months, or even in the insane summer heat.
Want a free uber ride to test out the service before you drive? If you use my uber code for your first ride, you’ll get that ride for free! Enter tayloro1573ue when you sign up for a free ride!
#6 – Be a Personal Shopper
When I say be a personal shopper, I’m not talking going shopping for super rich families who just don’t want to go to the mall. I mean putting out an ad for buying gifts for the elderly or disabled who just can’t handle the busy malls at this time of year.
A lot of them won’t understand or trust online shopping, and chances are they don’t know what they should get their grand kids, that’s where you come in! You can pick give them gift ideas, collect money, and go purchase their gifts and charge a delivery fee.
#7 – Sell Cookies
Everybody loves a good Christmas cookie. They’re cute and they’re delicious. Chances are there are people in your neighbourhood that want to enjoy delicious Christmas cookies but they don’t have the time of the skills to make them!
If you know how to bake, and enjoy doing it, you can advertise your cookies on Facebook, or to your friends and family. Chances are you can make a few hundred dollars if you plan ahead and start in November!
You just need to make sure you have the right supplies:
#8 – Get Cash Back from Ebates
If you’re going to be doing any of your Christmas shopping online this year, Ebates is the best place for you. What’s ebates you ask? Well, ebates is the best place to get cash back when making online purchases at places like Amazon and so many other stores!
This isn’t the best way to make money before Christmas, but you can get a nice chunk of cash back after Christmas. Check out ebates for free today!
#9 – Offer Gift Wrapping
Have you ever been wrapping presents on Christmas even and just been completely overwhelmed? Me too, and I’m a huge fan of wrapping gifts.
There are a ton of people out there that absolutely hate wrapping gifts and would totally pay someone to do it for them. Most big companies that do gift wrapping charge up to $5 a package, and you could charge up to that amount the closer you get to Christmas.
If a family gives you 50 gifts, and it takes you 2 hours, that’s $100 of pretty easy money that you can make while watching Netflix!
#10 – Start a Blog
Are you really good at deciding what things someone should buy for their family members? Do you know where to get all the good deals for Christmas?
If so, you should start a blog. You can create an entire website devoted to making gift guides and direct people to the best kinds of gifts for everyone on their list. You can make really good money around the holiday’s from this! Learn all about starting a blog over on
Final Thoughts
I really hope you have a spectacular Christmas season and you can really take in all the joy. Christmas is a magical time and I’m sure you can get out of it without debt. You got this. If you have any other ways you like to make money for Christmas, leave them in the comments!
Thanks for reading,
xo Taylor

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