We all wish we would have enough money for everything, and believe it would make us happier, too. Unfortunately, that’s not how things work.
Even though we don’t like to admit it, money cannot and will not guarantee happiness.
But it can become very stressful when there is not enough to live comfortably.
We have to be honest with ourselves about what money means to us, and how we handle it.
Everyone has different financial obligations, and until you get your finances under control, nothing will change.
Follow these tips to help you keep control of your mind and your money. And you are on your way to live your life more relaxed and happy.

Table of Contents
1. Understand Your Personal Values
What does value mean to you? Security, flexibility, independency or more vacation?
Take the time to recognise your values. Finding inspiration on social media or from friends can give us some ideas, but we tend to spend our time caring about other people’s lives rather than our own lives.
So do not look at what others have or do, but find your values. What is it you desire?
Find a quiet moment and write down the most important points.
2. Prioritize Your Values
Take your five best values and arrange them from 1 to 5, with 5 being the least important.
Think about the values that will need your attention in the next few months.
By focusing on one subject at a time, you can work on it step by step and avoid the all too familiar feeling of being overwhelmed.
It is important that you are able to be honest with yourself about what you can really handle, and what you need to do.
3. Develop A Plan
Once you have created your list and determined what is important to you and when, you can now think about the strategies you can use to achieve your goals.
If the most important value on your list is a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and exercise, then you can plan for it.
At this point groceries might become a significant expenditure in your budget
If one of your values is travel, create a plan that allows you to do this without unnecessarily emptying your savings account or incurring unwanted debt.
You may be able to take a part-time job, save $50 on top of your salary, deposit part of it into another savings account or reduce recurring expenses.
All of these are concrete options that will help you achieve your goals. But be aware of this: it takes time!
If you follow your plan, you will be able to identify and understand the most effective methods.
4. Make Necessary Adjustments
Our wishes and needs change with life. We have to adjust to those changes. It is simple and these steps can be taken as often as it seems appropriate.
Set up a reminder on your phone to remind you once a month what works well or what can be improved.
Remember to stay on track! If you are able to balance your money with your values, you really feel that you are in control of your finances and that it is not your finances that control you.
Final Thoughts
The first step is always difficult. Shaking off old habits is not easy, but at the end it is easy to take control of your finances by following a plan and become more conscious about your relationship to money and what it means in your life.

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