In times of economic uncertainty, when many households have to make precise calculations to make ends meet, it makes sense to cut monthly spending. There are many everyday options that can save money. The motto should be to break away from throwing away objects and products and adopting a strategy of sensible use.
And to help out with this, we have developed 5 easy tips to reduce your monthly costs. More than ever, during his crisis we face, we need to be conscious of our spending and saving habits.

Table of Contents
1. Saving costs when shopping
Those who rely more on private labels than well-known retail brands when regularly buying food and other products can certainly save a lot of money in the long run.
Private labels are almost always significantly cheaper than the brands of well-known manufacturers known through advertising. The quality of the so-called cheap brands is often just as good as that of the more expensive private labels.
So go ahead and buy that Great Value brand, because chances are, it’s the exact same as the name brand.
Even those who prefer large packaging save money compared to small packaging. In this case the motto is: “More is less when it comes to price”. Proportionally, large packaging is almost always cheaper than standard size packaging.
It also makes sense to study the brochures, as the special offers given save money and reduce costs.
If you collect and redeem vouchers, you can also save money. Based on the coupons you will receive percentages on the prices. Restaurant vouchers allow you to eat at a reduced price.
2. Fruit and vegetables from the garden
This only applies to households that own or at least can use a garden. In the long run, this method saves money. It is particularly useful for large families. Furthermore, you can be sure that you always eat organic fruit and vegetables.
3. Walking
Those who have their workplace close to where they live could at least walk in good weather. This saves fuel costs and is healthy. Traffic and and your body will thank you, not to mention that a walk outside strengthens the immune system.
If you can’t do without the car, at least try to carpool. This also saves money and is good for the environment.
4. Drinking tap water
Bottled water isn’t exactly cheap. I know that with a family of 4, we used to spend close to $30 a week just on bottled water
However, for the most part, tap water in North America is safe. So you can save a good chunk of money every month by simply switching to tap water.
Invest in a filter, and you’ll still be much better off in the long run.
5. Be more energy conscious
Many people leave lights, tvs, computers on at all times of the day just out of habit. However, did you know that this wastes a lot of electricity? Additionally, by leaving devices running for long periods of time, you shorten their lifespan.
So make sure to turn off anything that you don’t use. Put your computer on sleep mode vs just leaving it on. Turn your tv off, and turn off lights in un-occupied rooms.
Further tips
Repairs are usually cheaper than buying new. Not everyone has enough reserves to buy a new washing machine immediately, for example. The cost of a repair is often only a fraction of the cost of a new purchase. Remember that even if you have a repair, you still have a warranty on new parts.
If you rarely need certain appliances or tools, you can borrow them instead of buying them. It is also an opportunity to save money.

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